This is my number one question, and I have a strong opinion that dogs in all possible cases should go to the bathroom outside. With that in mind I like to start training them as soon as you can and not use paper or potty pads at any time. This is how to do it:
1) Pick an area outside that is the "bathroom area".
2) Pick a word or short phrase (i.e. "go potty", " do your business". "hurry up") to mean go to the bathroom.
3) Pick very regular times to take them out and stick to them. Always include first thing in the morning, last thing at night and following meals. When they are puppies every 2-3 hours when you are able speeds up the process.
4) Use "human food" as a training reward (cheese, bacon, ham).
The Method
Take your pet to the potty area, say only the potty word you have chosen and repeat it occasionally. Do not play with or talk to (other than your potty word) your pet. Bring your ipod because the first few times will be a waiting game, you stay until your pet squats. As soon as your pet finishes, pick them up praise and here is the trick, feed the reward food.
The flip side is when your pet goes inside, there should be a mild punishment (squirt from a water gun, a tap on the rear with a single sheet or loosely rolled news paper). Soon your pet will think "This person is crazy! If I go inside they hit me and if I go outside they feed me!". It will not be long before they go outside and pretend to go just to get the cheese.
Persistence and Repetition