POSITION: Veterinarian
HOURS: Full and Part Time available
JOB DESCRIPTION: Examine, diagnose and treat animals. Perform general physical examination of companion animals. Describe body condition score. Evaluate the physical condition and asses internal organs. Identify abnormal conditions by palpation of head, thorax, abdomen and all four limbs of animals. Perform percussion using percussion hammers with rubber edges and auscultation of heart and lungs using stethoscope. Operate otoscope to assess health of ear and ophthalmoscope to perform complete examination of eyes.
Describe any abnormal findings. Recommend and perform further diagnostic workup including blood work and radiographs. Collect blood from the jugular vein of animals and appropriate specimens. Analyze and interpret results from general physical examination, bloodwork , radiographs and confirmatory tests from laboratories to diagnose the common diseases and disorders. Provide detailed and confirmatory diagnoses to clients about their pets. Develop treatment plans after careful analyses of the lab work and confirmatory tests. Implement the treatment plan and prescribe the medication. Recommend appropriate surgical procedures or provide referral to veterinary specialists. Prepare animals for surgery by placing intra-venous catheters in veins. Implement safe anesthesia protocols. Intubate animals with endotracheal tube for maintaining animal anesthesia. Use surgical instruments in the general surgical pack. Maintain effective pain control during and after recovery from surgery. Monitor animal during surgery and recovery by obtaining frequent readings of body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen saturation of blood. Correct abnormalities associated with the physiological parameters using intra-venous fluids and medications.
Implement the preventive care for all animals by vaccinating against diseases. Communicate with clients about teh general health status of pets. Recommend preventive vaccinations, deworming, monthly heartworm and flea prevention. Advise on side effects of treatments. Recommend and perform spay and neuter to control population and to improve the behavioral outcome. Provide recommendations and perform prophylactic dental care. Extract teeth using proper surgical technique. Ensure that clients are aware of common household toxins that can cause health problems. Inform clients about potential public health hazards and zoonotic diseases associated with pet animals and prevent the spread of such diseases to human. Communicate with clients about euthanasia in terminally ill animals and perform the procedure in most humane way. Participate in developing and implementing policies to limit animal cruelty. Liaise with management to make recommend and improve the quality of medicine. Monitor staff performance and keep abreast of changes in the field and industry.
MINIMUM EDUCATION AND LICENSE REQUIREMENTS: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine with Texas Veterinary License.
JOB LOCATION: Richmond, TX Houston, Texas
CONTACT: Send resumes to:
Dr. Joe Mandola